





帆船公司成立于1982年,从一开始就生产长达25米的摩托艇。它仍然由创始人管理,并已成为欧洲领先的豪华游艇制造商之一。该公司目前在波兰格达斯基附近的两个生产基地拥有超过500名员工。著名的海事建筑师设计的船艇系列是基本型号,可根据客户的喜好定制。当一个新模型正在开发时,首先创建一个原型,从这个原型中制作负模,以允许组件被层压。采用真空灌注工艺制造的最大部件是船体、甲板和上层建筑。在过去,Galeon使用直接安装在单个模具上的真空喷射器。2013年初,由于未来的产量增加计划,启动了一个项目,以引入更有效和可靠的真空系统,该系统将同时提供尽可能多的模具。在与Busch公司进行初步讨论后,Busch公司的一名真空专家被派往Galeon公司现场评估项目需求。Busch随后提出了一种中央真空供应系统,由貂爪真空泵提供动力,带有真空储存库和控制器单元。 Busch also provided consultation services for the construction of the vacuum pipework in the laminating area. The vacuum network is equipped with vacuum connections in the immediate vicinity of every mould, to permit air to be evacuated from the moulds as required. The Mink claw vacuum pump is dimensioned to allow the moulds for two boat hulls and three smaller components to be evacuated simultaneously. If future production output increases a second identical claw vacuum pump may be installed, doubling the system output. The controller and system frame are already configured for this expansion.

从涂上胶衣到从模具中取出成品部件,零件的制造需要5到7天。模具首先上蜡,然后涂上胶衣树脂。在胶衣树脂硬化后,在手工铺层工艺中应用几层玻璃纤维。然后将干燥的玻璃纤维放入模具中。它们的数量取决于零件的大小。当这一过程完成时,模具是封闭在真空箔,树脂入口被插入和模具边缘密封。然后将模具连接到真空系统并提取空气。此时真空泵连续运行,以便检测到任何泄漏并用手密封。附着在真空连接上的传感器指示何时达到并保持所需的真空水平,表明模具完全密封。这一过程确保模具没有泄漏,真空箔已经正确应用,需要一到两个小时。 Between 200 and 600 kg of resin is then sucked into the mould, depending on mould size. The vacuum in the mould ensures that the resin is evenly distributed, and inhibits the formation of air bubbles. A further one to two hours are required to allow the resin to reach every part of the mould. During this process the vacuum pump runs continuously in “automatic” mode. This means the vacuum pump creates a predetermined vacuum level in the upstream reservoir, then turns itself off. Air extracted from the mould flows into this reservoir. If the reservoir pressure rises above a certain level, the vacuum pump is switched back on. The vacuum pump thus runs intermittently, saving energy.




