GEA Broadens Funding Base


赫亚集团股份公司已经签署了一份EUR 150 million loan agreement running until 2025 with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to finance its research, development and innovation spending.

By utilising the very attractive financing terms currently on offer, GEA is taking early action to diversify and extend the maturity of its already good funding base.

"With this loan agreement GEA is demonstrating that, even in difficult economic circumstances, its determination to place its faith and invest in groundbreaking innovation is undiminished. Our research and development is always geared to being able to offer our customers ever more energy efficient products for their production processes, so reinforcing GEA s leading market position", said Dr. Helmut Schmale, CFO of GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft.

The EIB Vice-President with responsibility for the EIB s business in Germany, Ambroise Fayolle, stressed: "Europe continues to face major competitiveness and innovation challenges. As the EU bank, we therefore support investments that lead to greater innovation, technological skills and competitiveness. This is part of our task of strengthening Europe s economy on a sustainable basis, because innovation and skills are key to creating sustainable and high quality jobs, especially in a country like Germany that competes globally. So I expressly welcome the continuation of our fruitful cooperation with GEA through this transaction."

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